Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Understanding Soft and Hard Light
In this episode of Cinematic Lighting Techniques, Understanding Soft and Hard Light Director Kyle Loftus of KAL VISUALS discusses light quality overall as well as more specifically hard and soft light. Moreover, in this, how-to tutorial Director Kyle Loftus uses practical examples and real footage to showcase what he is discussing. Not only that, KAL VISUALS shows us behind the scenes looks at his specific lighting setups and which shots those went hand-in-hand with so you know exactly how he is achieving the images he is. Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Understanding Soft and Hard Light is perfect for beginners or any filmmaker trying to get into lighting and wants to really refine their craft. Additionally, this tutorial is great for any creative, both videographers and photographers alike as it truly explains the impact of soft and hard light, when and what scenarios to use them and how. Don't miss out on Director Kyle Loftus aka KAL VISUALS breakdown another Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Understanding Soft and Hard Light.