3 Dramatic Lighting Setups with 1 Light: Cinematic Lighting Techniques
In this video, 3 Dramatic Lighting Setups with 1 Light: Cinematic lighting techniques Director Kyle Loftus of KAL VISUALS discusses 3 easy to do at home lighting setups. Additionally, KAL VISUALS walks us through how exactly he set up these various filmmaking lighting setups and in what scenarios they are useful as a filmmaker. This is a great video for aspiring filmmakers or anyone just looking to learn another lighting setup or two to add to their body of work and to use with clients down the line. Director Kyle Loftus shares both positives and negatives for each setup and why he likes or dislikes using them in various scenarios. 3 Dramatic Lighting Setups with 1 Light: Cinematic lighting techniques is a must-watch for any level of cinematographer. Learn all about creating a cinematic video with just one light source from professional filmmaker and director Kyle Loftus aka KAL VISUALS.