Best Shoes Music Video Cinematography Breakdown by Director Kyle Loftus
This is a cinematography breakdown for Casey Conroy for her latest single in 2020 entitled Best Shoes. In this video Director Kyle Loftus and his cinematographer, Carlos Perez breaks down their latest music video project and all the setups. In this video, you can expect to learn how every single music video set was created and how every scene was lit. Moreover, Kyle and Carlos share behind the scenes images as well as behind the scenes footage to discuss lighting, light placement, cameras, lenses and so much more. In this video, one can also expect to learn more about director Kyle Loftus' thought process and why they choose to shoot the scenes the way they did as well as the order they did. This a great video for any beginning filmmakers or anyone interested in filming music videos. Moreover, this video does a great job of sharing a true behind the scenes look at how a music video is made so this a great video for anyone interested in the filmmaking process on a production set like a music video. Best Shoes Music Video Cinematography Breakdown by Director Kyle Loftus.