What separates you from others, DISCIPLINE.
Discipline is what separates the exceptional from the average. We all have talent and we all have motivations in life. However, motivation can only get you so far. Passion can only get you so far, but discipline…discipline can take you anywhere you want to go in life. Michael Jordan didn’t make his high school basketball team but through discipline, through practicing relentlessly day in and day out he became the greatest of all time, and even after he won multiple championships Michael didn’t settle. He stayed disciplined. He stayed in the game. He stayed the course.
Discipline will take you where you want to go. Lean the f*ck in!
The three types of discipline are
Preventative: discipline is about establishing expectations, guidelines, and a set of overall rules for behavior to proactively prevent disruptions.
Supportive: Taking measures that support self-control for example by setting limits and having solutions to problems that can arise. As the saying goes, expect the best be prepared for the worst!
Corrective discipline: when facing a challenge or mishap, creating a plan is always a must. If you fail once, it’s ok, learn from what didn’t work and create a corrective plan of action to be followed.
Have consistency and stick with a set routine! Consistency is key when it comes to being disciplined. Once a routine is set in place, you can find it easier to stay disciplined and see results unravel.
Also, follow me on Tik Tok, I’m dropping a video a day for 30 days. Let’s see if we can disrupt this algorithm