How to build a confident & healthy mind...
Manifestation and affirmation are important parts of building a confident and healthy mind. They also help attract that which you aim to attain, achieve and or acquire however, it’s important that you use positive affirmations rather than negative ones as the human mind is incapable of thinking in terms of the negative. Therefore, if you use negative affirmations you are actually pulling yourself further away from accomplishing your goals and objects.
Use positive affirmations that your mind and instill and believe in through habitual repetition and implementation. Lastly, it’s not enough to affirm and manifest. You gotta put the work in. How bad do you want it?
The old saying, “You are what you think” may be true. For example, negative thoughts may lead to a more negative outlook on life, which then can lead to more negative thoughts. This cycle of negativity may result in stress, anxiety, and depression, which can damage your physical health. As a result, affecting your overall performance in your personal and professional life.
The best way to break the cycle is to introduce more positive thoughts into your life as often as possible.
You can repeat an affirmation to yourself as often as you’d like — while brushing your teeth, driving to work, or before you fall asleep. The more often you use an affirmation, the more it can help reinforce your value and self-worth and it may even positively affect your behavior.
Some positive affirmations for better self-care and brighter days:
I am ready.
My efforts help me succeed.
I can make a real difference.
My hard work will pay off.
I am strong.
I have the power to make the right choice for me.
I have faith in my abilities.
I got this.
I am grateful for what I can do.
I am happy to be me.
With so many of us facing new challenges these days, now could be the perfect time to turn positivity into a regular habit. Try using one of these affirmations each week to help you stay positive so you can continue to tackle your goals.