Grow your business | Tips for prospecting....
Tips for prospecting...
Prospecting is a great way to get your foot in the door and garner fruitful relationships with big brands and businesses but often we spend too much time in the wrong places trying to connect with the wrong people.
The key to prospecting is persistence because, in many ways, prospecting is a numbers game. The more calls you make, the closer you are to a sale. Determine your conversion rates and use those to motivate you toward the next sale. The aims of prospecting are to cover the four core prospective objectives are: set an appointment; gather information and qualify; close a sale; and build familiarity.
Create an ideal prospect profile
Take some time to find out your ideal client profile. Do your homework and search through your database and ask yourself who are your top five customers? Who are your worst five customers? Who are your most profitable customers? Which ones are the least profitable? Create profiles for each of these groups.
Once you have done this homework, you can use both the profile list and your existing company list to find other businesses which match these criteria.
Identify ways to meet your ideal prospects
Start by analyzing where you met your "best" customers. Always keep in mind that in most cases, your "best" customers are your most profitable customers. Was it at a trade show or a seminar? Or via a referral? This will help you single out your most “lucrative” places to hang out at.
Actively work on your call lists
You’ve got the cold call list and the warm lead list, and even a lost lead list. Prioritize each list and then take some time each day to call the people on your lists. Don't sleep on this step, it is crucial to building your clientele and help you establish the right relationship.
Demonstrate your sales skills in video format
This is hands down one of the most effective prospecting methods to help you stand out from others! The latest trends point to the rise of the video both as a marketing and sales outreach tool. After all, people buy from people. So, the show lets them get to know you and build that trust-based relationship with you and your brand. It's also a great way to invite potential candidates for your business internally and externally.
Learn how @nicksfort finds and acquires his ideal client in this week's podcast episode of @learnvideography