KYle Loftus Studios Behind the Scenes BLOG

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7 Tips To Mastering Instagram Stories

7 Tips To Mastering Instagram Stories


This is a How to video for anyone on Instagram looking to know how to best utilize and capitalize on Instagram Stories to improve their business. This video provides critical information through sharing 7 Tips To Mastering Instagram Stories. In this video I discuss how to be a successful influencer and how to grow your Instagram following. Along with building your following this video reveals how to get better engagement, more likes, a stronger following etc. 7 Tips To Mastering Instagram Stories is a top of the line How To video for photographers, videographers, bloggers, public figures and any other type of Instagram influencer seeking more followers and an overall growth. Additionally, this video touches on the differences between posting for your Instagram feed and posting for your Instagram story. Moreover, I discuss how posting properly will give you a better retention rate with your followers and why it’s so important. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE for more informative content to help you build your business and make you your own boss. Be sure to leave a comment below with any questions you may have for Kal Visuals or if there’s anything you want me to talk about, let me know! In 7 Tips To Mastering Instagram Stories, Kal Visuals touches on the following topics:

  1. Be vulnerable
  2. Stay loyal
  3. Save the hashtags
  4. Be a one hit wonder
  5. Location, location, location
  6. The 10k swipe
  7. BTS
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