KYle Loftus Studios Behind the Scenes BLOG
Articles, posts, and information surrounding video production and what is going on behind the scenes at Kyle Loftus Studios and beyond.
Clouds of a Different Color Music Video BTS Video
What if you could wake up every day with $86,400 in your bank account but whether you spent it or wasted it would be fine by the end of the night.
I bet you would spend each and every penny if you could. Well, we have exactly 86,400 second in each and every day. Why are you wasting precious time? All we have is now.
Don’t waste your time away. Use every day and opportunity to learn and grow. Try approaching challenging situations and days from a “learners” perspective rather than a “judger”. Seek to gain clarity and understanding and constantly ask questions.
Each day is a new opportunity to grow internally and externally.
With that being said, make sure to spend your time wisely and doing what you love most. The most you do of what you love, the better you’ll be at it-ultametley tunring your passion into your career!
Ladies & gent, I’d like to intrduce the below video of a sample of our hard work with Clouds of a Different Color Music Video BTS Video.
New hybrid music video-documentary film made with @danemyers covering the sugar cane industry in Florida and how the burning of the crops ever year causes severe damage and respiratory problems for the local communities. Honored to be a part of such an important and authentic story for positive change. Go head over to Dane’s page to learn more about how you can help protect our future generation.
Watch the video & share your thoughts and comments!
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Clouds of a Different Color Social Media Teaser..
And just like that! Another video is completed, thanks to the hard work & effort of the KAL VISUALS team! I couldn’t do it without you all.
In the video below, we were shooting some performance footage for Clouds of a Different Color. Onset, you will see in the video that we shot a bunch of footage of them burning the sugar crops and of scenes around the area but also filled the video with some actual performance shots to blend like documentary filmmaking with music.
I encourage you to check out these sick behind the scenes & stay tuned for the FULL video coming REAL soon!
If you are not subscribed to my monthly newsletter yet, you are missing out! Keep up to date with the latest in the video, business, and raw files in the industry HERE!
Purpose and desire...
Purpose and desire can seem similar but they are actually drastically different.
Purpose is important in many ways, it is the reason why you push as hard as you do. It is the reason why you impact others, and it’s the reason why you are who you are.
Purpose allows you feel connected to the universe through the contribution of your gift(s). Purpose gives you a reason to wake up every morning, producing a goal to work towards. Purpose gives you a sense of identity.
Desire is what you want while purpose is the flowering of who you are. Desire is a strong feeling of wanting something. It is that yearning that comes from deep inside of you. It is not that grasping external needy feeling. But that place within yourself that calls you deeper and to something greater.
Desire is personal, narrow-minded, self-gratifying, self-preserving whole purpose is wider reaching, it’s a long-term vision encompassing the benefit of others. Purpose has a way of taking life’s most unavoidable sufferings and making the meaningful.
Don’t seek out your desire, seek to fulfill your purpose.
If you are not subscribed to my monthly newsletter yet, you are missing out! Keep up to date with the latest in the video, business, and raw files in the industry HERE!
🚨🚨Alert new music video 4 Life with @lxthewriter is out now!
🚨🚨Alert new music video 4 Life with @lxthewriter is out now, swipe through for some of my favorite frames and a 1-minute preview of the music video.
Link to my channel to watch the full video and a cinematography breakdown available now.
Shouts to my crew and the incredible talent for helping bring this one to life!
Artist: @lxthewriter
Director/DP: @kalvisuals
Assitant Director: @herbmaximo
AC: @dp_ot
BTS Photo/Video: @enmanuelzabcala18
VFX: @senjisol
- Female Lead: @bluettemusic
- Male Lead: @watsonalexander
- LX as artists
- Extras:
- Doctor: Tony Riha
- Nurse 1: Cara Noel
- Nurse 2: @davidthevoice
If you are not subscribed to my monthly newsletter yet, you are missing out! Keep up to date with the latest in the video, business, and raw files in the industry HERE!
Hollyland Tech Solidcom Headset for Video Production Product Review...
Let's get down to business on some good stuff over here. In this video, we are doing a hands-on review of this one and only holy land comms kit.
I had the pleasure of receiving this wireless headset communication system. In the video you will find that I go over the kit ruby, the wireless headset system, the solid com c1 colored in blue with the different variations, how it operates and functions, and more.
Highlights of what stood out the most to me about this product:
Incredible communications kits
Ater, you watch the video make sure to drop a comment below if there's anything I missed or maybe a concern or question you have regarding the solid comm kit. Be sure to drop it below as well I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Lastly, make sure to subscribe to the channel! We got new product review tutorials and breakdowns in lighting hacks and so much more coming every week!
Don't miss the opportunity and subscribe today!
Feeling lost or don’t know where to start......
Excited to share some Behind the Scenes footage!
Let’s not only put focus on the end result of a completed project, instead, let’s focus on the process of the completed project. So many times we get so used to the end result of the process that we forget all about the work that goes behind it all. The process of a completed project itself is a wonderful journey. A journey mixed with all sorts of different emotions and at times it might start off with feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what steps to take.
Feeling lost or don’t know where to start?
Try this quick tip I picked up from the incredible Simon Sinek.
Simplicity by shifting the way in which we ask questions we can utterly and drastically change the way we perceive our situation and the world.
I’m about 2 weeks into my coaching accreditation program and it’s crazy how radically different a conversation can flow simply by using the right questions that empower others to think deeper, listen to their internal dialogue, and more.
Try this out today and let me know what you come up with!
In the meantime, enjoy this behind the scene footage of a wonderful outcome for The Fall of Man by Sophie Lloyd and Matthew Heafy…
I challenge you fellas to be more vulnerable and kind...
I challenge you fellas to be more vulnerable and kind. We have let our pride and ego rule us for too long and social media has given us an incredible opportunity to right this wrong we’ve been committing for centuries.
We are all human. We are all flawed. Giving love and praise to others isn’t a sign of weakness or jealousy…it’s a sign of strength and confidence.
Don’t be afraid to shed your pride and be kind.
We’re all out here chasing dreams and trying to find inner peace, a little positive affirmation and appreciation can go a long way for a lot of people. Thus, I challenge you to give love and praise to at least 3 people today be that friends or mentors, or people you admire from afar. Let them know you appreciate them and what they are doing.
Go melt some hearts gents.
If you are not subscribed to my monthly newsletter yet, you are missing out! Keep up to date with the latest in the video, business, and raw files in the industry HERE!
My absolute favorite lights to utilize on almost every set .....
My absolute favorite lights to utilize on almost every set and that is my Forza 60b by Main Light or more specifically the Leko Light Adapter.
Leko lights are typically something you're going to find as spotlights for a lot of productions for concerts and big events. However, you will find a lot of Leko Lights and adapters being used in films or indifferent cinematography styles to add shapes and texture to scenes from walls to backgrounds.
In this video, I talk about how I utilize my Leko Light adapter and various leaflets to enhance my scenes and make them just feel that much more captivating and interesting adding texture layers of lights and various forms of shape and so we're going to utilize the location.
In this video, I also demonstrate how utilizing the Leko Light and its different setups can make it feel more captivating. All right, let's go ahead and dive into this tutorial!
Reasons why I recommend the Leko Light:
It puts some texture into the background or more specifically onto a wall it changes everything the image just goes from you know a 9 to a 12 out of 10.
it just makes a world of difference!
Watch my video tutorial to learn more as I get into detail as to why I recommend the Leko Light.
In conclusion, It’s vital to understand the importance and value of light. Light makes all the difference in the world so it’s best to use it to your advantage and focus on how to control and how to manipulate it. I hope you guys enjoy the video. After you watch it if you enjoyed the tutorial or the lighting breakdown please give it a thumbs up and a share would mean the world to me.
if you enjoy the content I'm putting out please be sure to subscribe pumping out new and plenty of more lighting cinematography breakdowns tutorials uh content on building your business building a personal brand and so much more um so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the content and I'll see y'all on the next one.
Journey to master the art of cinematography | Stay tuned...
Feeling off the ground because we just wrapped production on my cinematography and lighting course. This will include over 20+ modules on cinematic lighting, cameras, lenses, and the works. Additionally, it will come with over 20 various music videos and commercials cinematography breakdowns. Not only this, it’s an evergreen course, meaning I will continue to add on new videos as I grow as a cinematographer. I speak to what I know and this is a very authentic and transparent course. I’ve been doing this for a decade now, so do I know a lot, hell yes. Do I know everything, no?
Come join me on this journey to master the art of cinematography.
Stayed tuned for the online course releasing in early June 😈👏🏻💯🎬🚨
Much love to everyone who helped and is helping bring this to life, it takes a village!
If you are not subscribed to my monthly newsletter yet, you are missing out! Keep up to date with the latest in the video, business, and raw files in the industry HERE!
New Short | Moonlight Madness
The new short film
“Moonlight Madness” 🌝 is out now!
Super proud of this one because we actually had talent cancel on us last second so rather than cancel the entire production I decided to alter the storyline, scratch the shot list and go improve and solo. I think we killed it but find out for yourself. Swipe left for a preview or click the link in my bio to watch the whole film.
Also, new drinking game. You have to drink every time my character Tyler says “f*ck” haha didn’t realize until post-production that my method of acting tends to bring out a sailor's mouth 🤣
Shouts to my crew for always keeping things on point!
Director/DP/Lead actor/Writer: @kalvisuals
Camera operator: @herbmaximo Boom and Gaffer: @dp_ot
BTS: @elimintss
This was a partnership project with @godoxlighting and I can’t wait to share my in-depth tutorial on how I used their new M600D to light this short film! Tutorial dropping tomorrow!