5 Reasons to Say No to a Client
In this episode, your host Kyle Loftus discusses five key topics on when you should and must say no to a client. As you grow as a creator and entrepreneur it is important to protect your brand and your business. Additionally, it’s important that you maintain your integrity and only take on jobs that resonate with you and you feel you can do above and beyond what is required by the client. Moreover, in this video Kyle shares his only personal experience as a filmmaker and entrepreneur to bring to light how to handle or adjust to these varying scenarios. Don’t miss out on this powerful episode on 5 reasons to say no to a client.
⁃ Preoccupied and overwhelmed with current clients
⁃ Disrespectful
⁃ Bartering and stretching the dollar
⁃ Lack of chemistry
⁃ Jeopardizing your brand and credibility