KYle Loftus Studios Behind the Scenes BLOG
Articles, posts, and information surrounding video production and what is going on behind the scenes at Kyle Loftus Studios and beyond.
The Truth About Passive Income for Content Creators From a Content Creator
In this episode, filmmaker and entrepreneur Kyle Loftus discusses the truth about passive income. Additionally, Kyle shares his opinion if passive income is realistic as well as if it might fit well for your lifestyle or not. In this episode, Kyle also discusses the importance of reworking your strategy to focus on developing multiple revenue streams rather than trying to achieve the fantasy known as passive income. This is an insightful and important episode for entrepreneurs and content creators. Learn the truth about passive income and how to start making multiple revenue streams for yourself and/or your business.
5 Reasons to Say No to a Client
In this episode, your host Kyle Loftus discusses five key topics on when you should and must say no to a client. As you grow as a creator and entrepreneur it is important to protect your brand and your business. Additionally, it’s important that you maintain your integrity and only take on jobs that resonate with you and you feel you can do above and beyond what is required by the client. Moreover, in this video Kyle shares his only personal experience as a filmmaker and entrepreneur to bring to light how to handle or adjust to these varying scenarios. Don’t miss out on this powerful episode on 5 reasons to say no to a client.
⁃ Preoccupied and overwhelmed with current clients
⁃ Disrespectful
⁃ Bartering and stretching the dollar
⁃ Lack of chemistry
⁃ Jeopardizing your brand and credibility
Redefining Your Relationship With Fear
In this episode, entrepreneur and filmmaker Kyle Loftus discuss how you can redefine your relationship with as well as how to overcome stress and anxiety. Over the course of this episode, Kyle examines what is the fear, how you define yours and more importantly how you can rework your relationship with it. In this video, Kyle shares examples from his own life to illuminate how fear can cripple us and prevent us from reaching our full potential in business as well as life. Additionally, Kyle discusses how anxiety and stress correlate to fear and how they all build off each other. Moreover, Kyle shares some of his favorite tips and techniques for eliminating stress and anxiety and getting in a great mental place. This is a must-see episode for any entrepreneur and content creator in the modern age. Don’t miss out on redefining your relationship with fear: overcoming stress and anxiety.
5 Reasons Why You Need a Team Around You
5 reasons why you need a team around you is a great podcast and video content piece that focuses on five reasons why having a team around you is crucial. In this video, entrepreneur and filmmaker Kyle Loftus discusses his top five reasons why you need to have a team to be successful. Kyle shares how having a team allows you to leverage skills outside that of your own and how it allows you to reach your full potential as a business owner/operator. Moreover, Kyle shares how having a team has helped him prevent burnout and make incredible projects by gaining new and different perspectives thanks to his team. Lastly, Kyle discusses how a team is going to challenge and motivate you to be the best version of yourself in this incredible and concise podcast episode. Don’t miss out on 5 reasons why you need a team around you.
Why You Should Be Selling Digital Products
In this video, Director Kyle Loftus discusses the many benefits of selling digital products online. Additionally, Kyle shares how easy it is to make and sell digital products as compared to tangible ones. Don't miss out on this insightful video on the many positives of selling digital products for any content creator and/or entrepreneur.
Meal Prepping 101: A Look at My Daily Diet as an Entrepreneur
Meal Prepping 101: A Look at My Daily Diet as an Entrepreneur. In this video, entrepreneur, and filmmaker Kyle Loftus shares his personal meal plan and regime for getting ripped, lean, and sculpted. Kyle Loftus is a big advocate for health and wellness and almost started a career as a professional fitness coach and nutritionist so this is a strong passion of his that he loves to talk about. Meal Prepping 101: A Look at My Daily Diet as an Entrepreneur shares a ton of insight on how you can better meal prep and plan so that you eat healthier and feel better. Additionally, in this video, Kyle actually shares a full days worth of meals and how he prepares and cooks them in a fresh and healthy fashion. Don't miss out on Meal Prepping 101: A Look at My Daily Diet as an Entrepreneur.
Using Practicals to Add Depth and Make More Cinematic Videos: Cinematic Lighting Techniques
In this video professional filmmaker, Kyle Loftus showcases some real-world setups and examples to explain what practical lights are and how they can make your film or video more cinematic by adding depth. Moreover. Kyle discusses how practicals can also act as motivating light for your film scenes and sets which makes for more unique and captivating scenes. Learn from kyle about this incredible cinematic lighting technique that you can begin implementing into your projects today.
Is YouTube Worth it in 2020: How Much I Make Every Month
In this video, Is YouTube Worth it: How Much I Make Every Month director Kyle Loftus discusses how much he makes off YouTube and if he finds continuing down this path worthwhile. Kyle also shares his opinion on whether he thinks it's smart to try and become a full-time YouTube filmmaker or if it's more practical to use it as a side hustle and/or secondary source of revenue. Is YouTube Worth it: How Much I Make Every Month, is a must-watch for any and all content creators and more specifically filmmakers looking to make a living off of YouTube videos. Don't miss out on this honest and insightful video on if trying to make it as a YouTube filmmaker is worth it in 2020.
5 Tips For More Cinematic Interviews: Cinematic Lighting Techniques
In this tutorial director, Kyle Loftus teams up with Industry Jump to share 5 easy and amazing tips for creating more cinematic interviews. Over the course of this video, you will learn about lighting, composition, color, story, and audio setup. Moreover, in this video Kyle shares a wide behind the scenes look so you can see exactly where his cameras and lights are set up as well as his boom pole for recording audio. Director Kyle Loftus goes on to share five of the most valuable things to consider when conducting an interview with a client and how they impact the quality of your interview video. Learn how to master interviews and make them more cinematic in this concise and valuable tutorial on making more cinematic interviews.
5 Bad Habits to Get Rid of In 2020
In this episode, Kyle Loftus discusses some of the worst habits one can form and why as well as how they negatively impact your life and career. Moreover, in this episode, we discuss how unhealthy habits are formed and how to best get rid of them by replacing them with healthy habits. his episode shares a ton of insight on the power of implementing healthy strategies and habits in one’s life like surrounding yourself with openminded and positive people rather than people who always want to complain about something. In this episode, we discuss five bad habits that everyone needs to remove from their lives to become a better version of themselves in the year 2020. The following habits are discussed in this episode: Impatience, Ego, Laziness, Negativity, and a Lack of accountability. Moreover, we also discuss how to replace these bad habits with good ones that will drastically improve your life like Patients, open-mindedness, hustle, positivity, and accountability. Don’t miss out on this thoughtful and motivating episode.