KYle Loftus Studios Behind the Scenes BLOG
Articles, posts, and information surrounding video production and what is going on behind the scenes at Kyle Loftus Studios and beyond.
Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Understanding Soft and Hard Light
In this episode of Cinematic Lighting Techniques, Understanding Soft and Hard Light Director Kyle Loftus of KAL VISUALS discusses light quality overall as well as more specifically hard and soft light. Moreover, in this, how-to tutorial Director Kyle Loftus uses practical examples and real footage to showcase what he is discussing. Not only that, KAL VISUALS shows us behind the scenes looks at his specific lighting setups and which shots those went hand-in-hand with so you know exactly how he is achieving the images he is. Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Understanding Soft and Hard Light is perfect for beginners or any filmmaker trying to get into lighting and wants to really refine their craft. Additionally, this tutorial is great for any creative, both videographers and photographers alike as it truly explains the impact of soft and hard light, when and what scenarios to use them and how. Don't miss out on Director Kyle Loftus aka KAL VISUALS breakdown another Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Understanding Soft and Hard Light.
This 1 Trick Will Improve Your Video Interviews Drastically: Cleaning Up Bad Audio Fast in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
This 1 Trick Will Improve Your Video Interviews Drastically: Cleaning Up Bad Audio Fast in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. In this tutorial Director Kyle A. Loftus reveals one of his best quick and easy hacks for drastically improving his films. KAL VISUALS discuss his crossfade method for cleaning up bad audio in post-production and even how to make different thoughts sound cohesive all through using the effects available to you in Adobe Premiere Pro like crossfade. This 1 Trick Will Improve Your Video Interviews Drastically: Cleaning Up Bad Audio Fast in Adobe Premiere Pro CC is an extremely detailed look into the post-production and editing phase of a film project. In this video Director Kyle A. Loftus puts a strong focus on audio and sound design and how impactful it can be to the overall video project. Moreover, KAL VISUALS examines how using cross-fade on audio has improved his own work by showcasing real world examples in which you can personally hear the difference in the audio. If you’re looking for a simple way to improve your films and videos exponentially then this is the video for you. This 1 Trick Will Improve Your Video Interviews Drastically: Cleaning Up Bad Audio Fast in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
The Summit: An Aerial Experience of Europe
The Summit: An Aerial Experience of Europe is a fun and inspiring short film that celebrates the beauty of Europe solely by air. This is strictly an aerial experience, showcasing more than 9 different countries all by various drone footage captured throughout the continent. The Summit: An Aerial Experience of Europe is a fun and exciting short film that will have you excited and ready to book your adventure overseas but also will have you ready to take action in living a more meaningful life. This film is dedicated to helping encourage people to chase after their dreams and to have faith in hard work. Get inspired and see the vast and gorgeous landscapes that make-up Europe in this incredible short film, The Summit: An Aerial Experience of Europe.
Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Lighting the Environment and Setting the Scene
Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Lighting the Environment and Setting the Scene is another great edition to this new series by Director Kyle A. Loftus aka KAL VISUALS. In this cinematic lighting video KAL VISUALS takes you on a journey to explore the importance of lighting your scene and creating an environment or world for your characters to exist within. KAL VISUALS discusses the importance of lighting the background how it is nearly just as important if not more important than lighting your subject in the foreground. Director Kyle A. Loftus talks about how lighting an environment properly can add depth, create visual interest, improve the overall look and style of scene/film. Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Lighting the Environment and Setting the Scene takes a in-depth look at some of the best films in Hollywood and how they utilized lighting and specifically lighting a scene first and then the subjects second. This is one of the most under thought of or least appreciated aspects of cinematography but is one of the biggest differentiators between a seasoned and professional cinematographer and vice versa. Don’t miss out on this thought provoking and informative/educational tutorial on creating moving films with cinematic lighting. Cinematic Lighting Techniques: Lighting the Environment and Setting the Scene, a must watch for all levels of filmmakers.
Mother Earth Ep. 3: European Edition
This short film entitled Mother Earth Ep. 3 is the third installation by director Kyle A. Loftus of KAL VISUALS to promote and encourage people to be more environmentally conscious and to take better care of the planet. This is a short highlight film that celebrates the diversity and beauty of Europe. In this film, one gets to see various landscapes and terrains of nearly 10 different countries. Mother Earth Ep.3 European Edition is more proof of how vast and wonderous this planet is but also a firm reminder it is our responsibilities as humans to take better care of our home, planet earth. Don't miss out on this moving short film that also utilizes a short and powerful poem to guide the underlying message. The poem used in this film is called A Paradise Unknown and was written by Director Kyle A. Loftus. Check out this incredibly beautiful and moving short film by KAL VISUALS, Mother Earth Ep. 3.
In the Morning Music Video Cinematography Breakdown by KAL VISUALS
In the Morning Music Video Cinematography Breakdown by KAL VISUALS is a powerful and insanely in-depth look at how Director Kyle A. Loftus created this incredible music video live recording session for Lakeland, FL artist Jenny Dee ft. Van Plating. In the is cinematography breakdown, Director Kyle A. Loftus aka KAL VISUALS touches on 5 key topics, those being story, lighting, color, style, and effects. In the Morning Music Video Cinematography Breakdown by KAL VISUALS is a must watch tutorial for any beginning filmmakers or anyone looking to learn how to film and direct music videos. More over, this video is full of creative ideas you can take away and apply to your own passion projects or even client based work. KAL VISUALS not only walks you through his lighting setup but takes the time to explain his thought process and why he did the things did, covering everything from manual over auto focus to using tungsten lights over daylight and so much more. This is some of the best unrestricted and FREE information on the internet about creating more cinematic videos and films. Don’t miss out on, In the Morning Music Video Cinematography Breakdown by KAL VISUALS.
Every Filmmaker NEED THIS: The Best Car Mount for DSLR Cameras!
Delkin Fat Gecko Three-Arm Suction Mount:
Every Filmmaker NEED THIS: The Best Car Mount for DSLR Cameras! In this tutorial video Director Kyle A. Loftus of KAL VISUALS discusses various car mounts available on the market and the struggle with finding one that is reliable and affordable for every day content creators. IN this filmmaking tutorial for cinematographers and general content creators alike Director Kyle A. Loftus looks into the Delkin Devices Fat Gecko Grip three-arm suction cup car mount. In this video KAL VISUALS looks at the positives and negatives to the Delkin Devices Fat Gecko Grip three-arm suction cup car mount. Moreover, in Every Filmmaker NEED THIS: The Best Car Mount for DSLR Cameras Director Kyle A. Loftus provides real world examples and actual footage from his personal and professional use with the device. If you’re interested in purchasing a car mount or using one for a music video you will definitely want to check out this in-depth tutorial and look at the Delkin Devices Fat Gecko Grip three-arm suction cup car mount. This is a must watch for all videographers, filmmakers, and even artist looking for the next style/look to their music video. Every Filmmaker NEED THIS: The Best Car Mount for DSLR Cameras!
How to get your first wedding client: my story of going from zero weddings to over 20 a year
How to get your first wedding client, my story of going from zero weddings to over 20 a year is a detailed look into how KAL VISUALS and more specifically filmmaker Kyle Loftus went from 0 to over 20 weddings in a matter of one year. This is an incredible tutorial that looks into getting started as a wedding filmmaker, what steps you need to take, how to start acquiring content and leads and so much more. How to get your first wedding client, my story of going from zero weddings to over 20 a year is a must watch tutorial and how to video for any and all wedding filmmakers or videographers or anyone just contemplating the idea of getting into weddings. This video does a great job of explaining what it truly takes to make it in the wedding industry and how to get noticed fast. Director Kyle Loftus pulls directly from his experience starting out as a wedding filmmaker all the way up to where he is today with shooting weddings. How to get your first wedding client, my story of going from zero weddings to over 20 a year is an incredibly fun and insightful tutorial you don’t want to miss.
Cinematic Lighting Techniques: How to Create a Moonlight Window Effect
Cinematic Lighting Techniques: How to Create a Moonlight Window Effect, is a in-depth tutorial and walk-through filmmaking course on how to create a moonlight effect using practical lighting, LED’s and other various filmmaking equipment. In this incredible tutorial and how-to video Director Kyle A. Loftus shares his favorite lighting setup for creating a moonlight effect during the day, without any darkness or moonlight available. This is a great video for anyone looking to create a unique and stylized look for their next video or film project. Cinematic Lighting Techniques: How to Create a Moonlight Window Effect takes you on a fun ride as you get to watch KAL VISUALS setup and get his exact cinematic lighting setup for creating a moonlight effect. You won’t want to miss a second of this video and may want to watch it twice as Director Kyle A. Loftus literally discusses and shows every step he takes to getting this moody and captivating look on his film projects. Not only that, this is practical and applicable video that one can pull a lot from outside of making a moonlight effect. In this how-to tutorial KAL VISUALS discuss LED’s, HMI’s, fill and negative fill, utilizing c-stands and so much more. Don’t miss out on Cinematic Lighting Techniques: How to Create a Moonlight Window Effect where you learn how to create cinematic lighting effects to take your filmmaking skills and videos to the next level.
One Mistake All Beginning Filmmakers NEED to Avoid: Understanding Frame Rates and Shutter Speed.
One Mistake All Beginning Filmmakers NEED to Avoid: Understanding Frame Rates and Shutter Speed. This is in-depth tutorial and live lesson recording on the effects of frame rate and shutter speed. In this video Director Kyle A. Loftus pulls from his experience as a commercial, film, and music video director experience to discuss frame rates, shutter speed, and most importantly why they matter as well as how they affect your overall project. KAL VISUALS provides a thought-provoking tutorial that really gets you to think about the way you are filming a video and why. This video harps on filming with intention and using frame rates to your advantage. One Mistake All Beginning Filmmakers NEED to Avoid: Understanding Frame Rates and Shutter Speed is an amazing tutorial that is surprisingly available for free on YouTube. This is content that most people would pay for. This is a great tutorial video for any beginning videographers, filmmakers, or general content creators to understand the science of recording video better and how your settings affect the end product. You will rethink the way you film all your projects after watching this incredible tutorial by Director Kyle A. Loftus for KAL VISUALS.