KYle Loftus Studios Behind the Scenes BLOG

Articles, posts, and information surrounding video production and what is going on behind the scenes at Kyle Loftus Studios and beyond.

Kyle Loftus Kyle Loftus

Be the CHANGE...

We all suffer from imposter syndrome at times but it’s important to remember we all have a unique story and something meaningful to offer to the world. 

We have all faced challenges and tribulations. We all have experienced our own forms and levels of suffering but one thing we all share in common is we are on this journey called life together. 

To me it’s so important to give back to a community and a world that has given me so much in life. 

Never give up the opportunity to do some good because you want to do something great. Having ambition is awesome but don’t let your ego and pride keep you from sharing your true value. You have so much to offer. Don’t let your fear of be inadequate stop you from sharing. There are thousands of it millions of people out there that could learn from you and could use your help. 

6 Ways to Overcome Your Pride

  1. Be Aware. While pride shows you sufficiently value yourself and your accomplishments and it helps you work toward what you deserve.

  2. Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously, have fund and remember, we are all human!

  3. Ask the Right Questions. Listen carefully and be intentional with your questions.

  4. Be Open-Minded. The more questions you ask, the more you learn and the less assumptions you'll have.

  5. Listen, Don't Talk. Take some time to let it all sink in. Let the information process and learn from listening.

  6. Put Your Business First. If not you then who, type of attitude. Make sure you are always doing one thing each day to help you push your business forward.

Be the change.

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Kyle Loftus Kyle Loftus

Grow your business | Tips for prospecting....

Tips for prospecting...

Prospecting is a great way to get your foot in the door and garner fruitful relationships with big brands and businesses but often we spend too much time in the wrong places trying to connect with the wrong people. 

The key to prospecting is persistence because, in many ways, prospecting is a numbers game. The more calls you make, the closer you are to a sale. Determine your conversion rates and use those to motivate you toward the next sale. The aims of prospecting are to cover the four core prospective objectives are: set an appointment; gather information and qualify; close a sale; and build familiarity.

Create an ideal prospect profile 

Take some time to find out your ideal client profile. Do your homework and search through your database and ask yourself who are your top five customers? Who are your worst five customers? Who are your most profitable customers? Which ones are the least profitable? Create profiles for each of these groups.

Once you have done this homework, you can use both the profile list and your existing company list to find other businesses which match these criteria. 

Identify ways to meet your ideal prospects

Start by analyzing where you met your "best" customers. Always keep in mind that in most cases, your "best" customers are your most profitable customers. Was it at a trade show or a seminar? Or via a referral? This will help you single out your most “lucrative” places to hang out at.

Actively work on your call lists

You’ve got the cold call list and the warm lead list, and even a lost lead list. Prioritize each list and then take some time each day to call the people on your lists. Don't sleep on this step, it is crucial to building your clientele and help you establish the right relationship. 

Demonstrate your sales skills in video format 

This is hands down one of the most effective prospecting methods to help you stand out from others! The latest trends point to the rise of the video both as a marketing and sales outreach tool. After all, people buy from people. So, the show lets them get to know you and build that trust-based relationship with you and your brand. It's also a great way to invite potential candidates for your business internally and externally. 

Learn how @nicksfort finds and acquires his ideal client in this week's podcast episode of @learnvideography

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Kyle Loftus Kyle Loftus

How having a mentor has changed my professional & personal life..

A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” — Bob Proctor.

I love this quote because it really speaks on the truth of what a mentor is and does. And I think finding and having a mentor can bring so much clarity on your journey to carve out your career path. However, I think far too many of us are falling for the quick hacks and courses that claim to change everything for you when in reality the change has to come from within. No course is going to show you the way, sure they can help teach you saving time and cutting corners but a course can only take you so far. A mentor shows you how you are capable of more than the limitations you put on yourself. 

Thus, I think it’s vital we all have a mentor or peers to help guide us and give us advice on our path. Even more so I think it’s important to listen to the people actually doing not claiming to have done it. Those who do, do and those you don’t, teach haha all jokes aside there’s some validity to that statement and it reminds me of a quote I love that goes, 

“Spoon feeding, in the long run, teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon” - EM Forester 

Essentially what this quote is saying is that someone can only teach you so much, you can only pull so much value from listening…the real lessons come in the doing, in the practice, and routine of effort. 

Find a mentor. Find someone to help guide you on your journey but make sure it’s a reliable source that isn’t teaching you things based on what they learned 15 years ago when they were “doing it” you need to find someone who’s still got their hands in the dirt, someone who’s still playing with fire 🔥 but willing to share the sauce as well 😋 and believes me I don’t know everything but I’m learning more every day and I’m here to share it all with you. 

Day 7 of posting on Tik Tok and IG Reels for 30 days straight to break the algorithm.

Shouts to @willsmith I’m really loving this book and learning a ton of life lessons along the way! Go check it out.

If you are not subscribed to my monthly newsletter yet, you are missing out! Keep up to date with the latest in the video, business, and raw files in the industry all HERE!

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Kyle Loftus Kyle Loftus

When’s the last time you set out a plan of attack...

When’s the last time you set out a plan of attack, a course of action for your day and/or business? You cannot seriously expect to be successful without a plan? A plan is what makes everything look easy. We people joke “aww he just got lucky” …there’s no such thing as luck. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. People get “lucky” because they set intentions and live a life of purpose so when an opportunity crosses their paths they are prepared.

By being intentional and creating a plan we can better visualize and foresee our path and trajectory. This allows us to move faster and more efficiently towards our end goals rather than zig-zagging around to reach our destination. Conducting your days and business without a plan is like trying to get to a new destination without a GPS, sure you might get there but who knows hold long it will take you and all the struggles you’ll have to go through. With a plan it all becomes crystal clear, we can see down the line. We can look and know when we need to make that next turn or hire that next contractor etc.

At the battle of Gaugamela, Alexander the Great took a Calvary army of 7,000 Macedonias to battle over 40,000 Persian soldiers and won….they mutilated the Persian army. How you might ask? They had a plan of attack, a strategy and they were well trained/prepared.

What was I saying earlier about when preparation meets opportunity… 😉

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Kyle Loftus Kyle Loftus


What separates you from others, DISCIPLINE.

Discipline is what separates the exceptional from the average. We all have talent and we all have motivations in life. However, motivation can only get you so far. Passion can only get you so far, but discipline…discipline can take you anywhere you want to go in life. Michael Jordan didn’t make his high school basketball team but through discipline, through practicing relentlessly day in and day out he became the greatest of all time, and even after he won multiple championships Michael didn’t settle. He stayed disciplined. He stayed in the game. He stayed the course.

Discipline will take you where you want to go. Lean the f*ck in!

The three types of discipline are

Preventative: discipline is about establishing expectations, guidelines, and a set of overall rules for behavior to proactively prevent disruptions.

Supportive: Taking measures that support self-control for example by setting limits and having solutions to problems that can arise. As the saying goes, expect the best be prepared for the worst!

Corrective discipline: when facing a challenge or mishap, creating a plan is always a must. If you fail once, it’s ok, learn from what didn’t work and create a corrective plan of action to be followed.

Have consistency and stick with a set routine! Consistency is key when it comes to being disciplined. Once a routine is set in place, you can find it easier to stay disciplined and see results unravel.

Also, follow me on
Tik Tok, I’m dropping a video a day for 30 days. Let’s see if we can disrupt this algorithm

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